Breaking News: All ICT staff of schools that have done revalidation, are expected to come for training orientation on ........, All ICT staff of schools that have done revalidation, are expected to come for training orientation on


plateau state ministry of education (bs)

This is the plateau state ministry of education official website. An all encompassing education management organization, with one goal in mind enhancing quality and accessible education to all. We are open for business  and to provide ease of Creating Learning Centers for the Improvement of lives.

about us

The Plateau State Ministry of Education is establish by law to "Ensure Access to Quality Education for All In Plateau Thereby Enabling Them Pursue Knowledge And Skills Acquisition For The Overall Economic Growth Of The State". Our responsibilities clearly includes;

   • Formulate and co-ordinate a national policy on education;
   • Collect and collate data for purposes of education Planning and Financing;
   • Prescribe and maintain uniform standard of education throughout the Country;
   • Control and monitor the quality of education in the Country;
   • Harmonize educational policies and procedures of all the States of the Federation through the               instrumentality of the National Council on Education (NCE);
   • Effect co-operation in educational matters on an international scale; and
   • Implement curricula and syllabuses at the State level
   • Control and monitor the quality of education in the State

We believe in the quality of education enshrined in our people. The ministry welcomes the partnership of development partners, who share our thought on developing education for the betterment of life. Some of Our functions are; 

    i. Provision of Educational Services to the Citizens of the State
    ii. initiating and Implementing Policies and Program for Educational\ Development of the State
    iii. The Establishment and Running of Government Post Primary Schools and Tertiary Institutions.
    iv. Granting of Approval for the Establishment of Standard Private Educational Institutions.
         Ensuring Quality Control and Standard at the Pre-Primary, Primary and Post Primary Schools
    vi. Rendering Professional Support Services to Schools Established and Managed by Voluntary                     Agencies, Communities and Private Proprietors Provision of Financial Support in form of Grant
         In- Aid to some Approved Voluntary Agency Institutions Performing Oversight Functions on all                 Parastatals under it.

program surveillance 

Get to know what is happening in the plateau education space . With program surveillance you will stay get the best information about what the Ministry of education had been doing and is currently doing. This is where you stay up-to-date with need to know details on construction (e.g new classroom(s)/complete or part school construction or renovation), training (e.g teachers, students, staff training, ), procurement and supply(furniture's, books, water supply, etc) and more.

The goal of program surveillance is to carry all stake holders along and to enable the assisted programs that come through development partners

With program surveillance you can;
1. The public can follow each project money and how it is used.
2. Enable Monitoring and Evaluation Team to monitor all program progress.
3. Follow on revoked or abandoned program.
4. Citizens stakeholders participation in education development.
5. Get need assessment report by school

commissioners' remarks
Office of the Honorable Commissioner

Quality education is the key to nurturing talent, which is crucial for the development of the society. Our goal is to nurture future generations to become citizens who are socially responsible and equipped with a sense of national identity, love for Plateau State, Nigeria and international perspectives.

Quality education is the key to nurturing talent, which is crucial for the development of the society. Our goal is to nurture future generations to become citizens who are socially responsible and equipped with a sense of national identity, love for Plateau State, Nigeria and international perspectives. We need to create, for students, teachers, principals and parents, a learning and teaching environment that is stable, caring, inspiring and satisfying.

 Hence, students at kindergarten, primary, secondary and tertiary levels can identify their strengths and interests in the learning process, progress continuously, and establish themselves intellectually and morally. As the Principal Official in charge of education, I will work with my professional team to continue offering professional services and maintaining close liaison and communication with stakeholders of the education sector. The success of education hinges on the collaborative efforts of people who care about the next generation. Let us work together to refine our education system and enhance the quality of education for the benefit of each and every student.

I hope that you will find useful materials by visiting this website, which contains a wealth of information including the Bureau's organizational structure, policy highlights and updates on various services and activities. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Thank you.

our mandate

• Formulate and co-ordinate a national policy on education;
• Collect and collate data for purposes of education Planning and  Financing;
• Prescribe and maintain uniform standard of education throughout the Country;
• Control and monitor the quality of education in the Country;
• Harmonize educational policies and procedures of all the States of the Federation  through the National Council on Education (NCE);
• Effect co-operation in educational matters on an international scale; and
• Implement curricula and syllabuses at the State level
• Control and monitor the quality of education in the State 


pre-primary & primary schools

The plateau state ministry of education (basic and secondary) as part of its mandate manages all government pre-primary and primary school through one of its agency, the Plateau State Universal Basic Education Board. The board assiduously work through the local education authority to reach rural and urban communities basic education. To this end the rate of enrolment has greatly improved.

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secondary schools

Secondary education covers two phases on the International Standard Classification of Education scale. Level 2 or lower secondary education (less common junior secondary education) is considered the second and final phase of basic education, and level 3 (upper) secondary education is the stage before tertiary education. Every country aims to provide basic education, but the systems and terminology remain unique to them. Secondary education typically takes place after six years of primary education and is followed by higher education, vocational education or employment. Like primary education, in most countries secondary education is compulsory, at least until the age of 16. Children typically enter the lower secondary phase around age 11. The Plateau State Ministry of Education Uphold Standards and Share Innovation in maintaining quality education service delivery at this level

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technical colleges

The Ministry is Committed to delivering quality technical education, as it is part of its mandate. Technical colleges delivers technical education, a kind of education which equips with skills that involve the use of practical approaches and other physical instruments in executing projects. 

Technical education, being the academic and vocational preparation of students for jobs involving applied science and modern technology. Technical education has as its objectives the preparation of graduates for occupations that are classed above the skilled crafts but below the scientific or engineering professions.

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vocational colleges

Historically, almost all vocational education took place in the classroom or on the job site, with students learning trade skills and trade theory from accredited instructors or established professionals. However, in recent years, online vocational education has grown in popularity, making learning various trade skills and soft skills from established professionals easier than ever for students, even those who may live far away from a traditional vocational school.

Vocational education is education that prepares people to work as a technician or to take up employment in a skilled craft or trade as a tradesperson or artisan. Vocational education is sometimes referred to as career and technical education.

Vocational education can take place at the post-secondary, further education, or higher education level and can interact with the apprenticeship system. At the post-secondary level, vocational education is often provided by highly specialized trade schools, technical schools, community colleges, colleges of further education, vocational universities, and institutes of technology.

Plateau State Ministry of Education is committed to establishing, promoting and maintaining vocational education and training in important areas of relevant technical and non technical need within our immediate communities. 

one-education program

one-education is simply put as 'A program that enables quality and accessible education through technology. The program also contain within it project to provide information management tools for wholistic educational service delivery'. Plateau State Ministry of Education in an effort to achieve its development goal is partnering with the 'one-education program' to better transform way of doing business in education. The scope of the 'one-education program' covers public and private schools, from pre-primary to senior secondary schools, including vocational, technical, science and adult education learning Centre. 

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I do not have information for this yet. coming up soon.

All private and public school must connect to the plateau state ministry of education database.

Over a 1000+ School already connected. If your school have not done so, you are obligated to do so as soon as possible. There are 2 easy step to get that done. 

1. Click here to do a school revalidation. This will enable your school acquire an education verification number (EVN) a database code.
2. Submit a printed copy of your profile from the revalidation data to the ministry for a certificate of compliance. The certificate comes along with the benefit to the exercise.

Teachers' Service Commission

The Teachers' Service Commission evolved from Teachers' State Board. The Law establishing the Plateau State Teachers Service Commission (Law NO.3 of 1980) commenced 1st January, 1980. FUNCTIONS/POWERS OF THE COMMISSION

• To recruit, register, confirm, promote, transfer and discipline teachers of Government Secondary Schools and Government Grant-aided schools.

• To enforce the establishment of Boards of Governors in Voluntary Agency Schools and Advisory Boards in Government-owned Secondary Schools.

• Keep records of Teachers movements into and out of the service by whatever exit mode.

• Liaise with the Ministry of Education and Education Directorates of quasi-governments on matters concerning teachers and their welfare.

• To supervise all Government Secondary School and Grant-aided schools.


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Plateau State Universal Basic Education Board(PSUBEB)

PSUBEB an agency of the Ministry of Education is the principal body charged with the responsibility of delivering Basic education has its vision, mission, core values, and benchmarks. As part of its mandate Is to provide opportunity for quality basic education by creating conducive atmosphere for teaching and learning and ensure every school age child is enrolled and retained in school. Over the years PSUBEB has been doing it better and better each year. 

All private and public school must connect to the plateau state ministry of education database.

Over a 1000+ School already connected. If your school have not done so, you are obligated to do so as soon as possible. There are two easy step to get that done. 

1. Click here to do a school revalidation. This will enable your school acquire an education verification number (EVN) a database code.
2. Submit a printed copy of your profile from the revalidation data to the ministry for a certificate of compliance. The certificate comes along with the benefit to the exercise.

Plateau State Agency for Adult Education

Adult Education was a division of the Ministry of Education. It became an Agency with the establishment of an Edict No 29 of August 1988 and was gazetted in the Plateau State of Nigeria gazette No 27 volume 13 of December, 1988. The Agency continued to function as such until 27th June 2005, when the Edict was abrogated with the signing into Law, the Bill establishing the Universal Basic Education Board (UBE) by the then Executive Governor, Chief Joshua Chibi Dariye. This was gazetted in the Plateau State Gazette No 3 volume 11 of April 13th, 2006. Adult and Non-Formal Education became a Directorate of the Board under this Law. A Bill is being processed to revert Adult and Non-Formal Education back to its former status of an Agency.
In order to achieve the above objectives, the Directorate has been charged with the following responsibilities: -

• To organize and carry out literacy programmes for Adults and Young persons (Youths) in the State for the enhancement of integrated development in order to improve their modes of living.
• To develop in adults and youth the ability to use skills acquired to enhance their knowledge and understanding of their social and physical environment in order to improve their modes of living.
• To advice on ways and means of cooperating and integrating programmes of Adult and Non-Formal Education in the State.
• To plan and implement various public mobilization and enlightenment programmes that is directed towards positive attitudinal changes for development.
• To advice on ways and means of operating the Adult and Non-Formal Education system in the State.
• To undertake research programmes in Adult and Non-Formal Education and pilot projects in the State.
• To prepare and issue reports on Adult and Non-Formal Education activities in the State; and
• To perform, promote or undertake any activities that are calculated to help achieve the purposes of       Departments and the Zonal Adult Education Officers. 

our departments

Our departments at the ministry of education are the critical subsystems that enable us fulfil our strategic mandate. Below are a brief details on what their responsibilities;


Department of Planning
Research & Statistics

1. Initiate all plan proposals for the state as relating to education generally.
2. Ensures prudent and judicious use of all funds approved for education in the state.
3. Maintain liaison with the implementation committee on national and state levels for the achievement of set objectives.
4. Develops planning models in Education manpower for effective performance planning.
5. Member of Ministerial tender board
6. Attends all JCC committee and NCE meetings.
7. Assessment of request for federal grants on Education, reconciliation and coordination of                    education Plans in the light of national Policy and objectives.
8. Coordination with other ministries and bodies for the provision of essential services to the                  Nigerian child.
9. Controls and reports on all staff of the Department. 10. Deputizes for the Permanent Secretary            wherever required.
10. Carrying our research studies on the operation, organization and Management as well as overall         performance of the Ministry in terms if set policy objectives and efficiency targets
11. Develops, updates and maintains database
12. Carrying our research studies on the operation, organization and Management as well as overall         performance of the Ministry in terms if set policy objectives and efficiency targets
13. Organizes workshops and seminars on educational problems in the State 


Department of Quality Assurance

1. Maintain and improve standards in all aspects of the Basic and post-basic
school system.
2. Maintains minimum standard and quality control of instructional materials in schools through evaluation and supervision of public and private schools
3. Carry out Monitoring and evaluation of all schools to ensure quality in teaching and learning
4. Evaluation of schools for establishment.


Department of Schools Services

1. Supervises and Co-ordinates all activities in Schools.
2. Postings and transfers of Education Officers.
3. Monitoring of implementation of NGO programs in Schools.
4. Develops and Co-ordinates programs of actions in Schools.
5. Handles issues from Federal Ministry of Education as may be directed.
6. Co-ordinates State Governor's and President's debate.
7. Co-ordinates all activities concerning Students Exchange Programs.
8. Co-ordinates and advises Ministry of Education on special Education.
9. Co-ordinates and supervises the Women Education Model Centers in the State.
10. Responsible for the monitoring of Students' behavior as regards the rules, regulations, clubs and societies in the schools.
11. Co-ordinates and supervises matter relating to HIV and Family life programs.
12. Co-ordinates gifted Children programs.
13. Co-ordinates and supervises UNICEF and UNESCO programs in Schools.
14. Co-ordinates and supervises Early Childhood and Care givers Development Education (ECCDE)             and Girl Child education.
15. Coordinates school-based Management Committee (SBMC) in schools.
16. Disseminates information to and from Ministry of Education to the public through the public               relations officer (PRO)
17. Supervises and monitor learning activities in schools
18. Coordinates activities on national arts festivals in schools 


Department of Science & Technology

1) To be responsible to the Commissioner on all professional matters on Science and Technology Education
2) Directs the affairs of Science and Technology Education
3) Attends the following meetings:
     (i) National Council on Education (NCE)
     (ii) Joint Consultative Council on Education (JCCE)
4) Member of Ministerial Tender Board (MTB ) meetings
5) The department coordinates the following program of activities:
    i. Junior Engineers, Technicians and Scientist (JETS) Examinations, interviews and admission into state                     Science and Technology Institutions.
    ii. The programs/activities of Science and Technology related to societies and Associations in relation to                  schools and students e.g., STAN, NATT, NSE, MIP, NIP, CSN, IJSO, DIGITEST, UNESCO etc.
    iii. Give policy direction on the development and deployment of ICT in education.
    iv. Develop strategic plans, guidelines and strategies for implementation of ICT in education.
    v. Set minimum standards on ICT in education and monitor compliance.
    vi. Establish and maintain the converged education sector database.
   vii. Coordinate the development and deployment of ICT in education.
   viii. Develop ICT capacity and stimulate interest on ICT among staff and students.
   ix. Review, enhance and manage partnerships on ICT in Education.
   x. Develop and coordinate e-learning plans, process and strategies including development of content.
  xi. Develop training guides and information manuals for use by all levels of staff and stakeholders.
  xii. Carry out and coordinate ICT training for all categories of staff and students.
 xiii. Provide, secure and maintain all ICT hardware and software.
 xiv. Support and maintain all ICT infrastructure. 


Department of Education Services

The Education Resources Centre (ERC) was established in 1977 with the mandate of improving the quality of teaching and learning to all levels of education in the State. The Centre started as a Teacher's Resource Centre, initially for the retraining of teachers and the development of teaching resources. The change in nomenclature, to Education Resources Centre (ERC), became necessary in keeping with the provisions and specifications of the National Policy on Education (NPE) as well as the expanded function of the Centre.

Since its inception, the centre has operated a well organized procedure for planning, organizing, monitoring, maintaining and activation programs towards educational advancements in Plateau State through workshops, seminars etc.

A. Education Services
    1. This unit is the pivot of the centre and is made up of the following subunits
    2. Graphics and reprographics, which handles all printing sues in the centre i.e. the printing of                 Junior Schools Examination papers, production.
    3. The guidance/counselling, handles guidance issues in the schools
       The library units: Responsible for the procurement and display of books and none books                      material.
       The school! /account units: This unit takes care of all revenue issues as well as the procurement         and supply of items for the centre

B. language art/centre for French teaching and documentation (CFIE)
In collaboration with the French Government, this section handles the teaching and documentation of French issues in the State; they conduct training and retraining of teacher's of French for better performance, provision of pedagogical materials for effective French Teaching. In order to encourage the learning of French in the wider society, the Alliance Francoise organized French lessons for outsiders and some professional bodies.

The Curriculum Unit unit is the life wire of the expanded functions of the ERC, which is the training and retraining of teachers in all subject areas to update their knowledge through workshops, seminars etc

C. The Examination Unit 
Handles all examination issues of the Junior Secondary Schools in the State as well as T.C. Il Program. This units also coordinates the PTTP program for grade two failure, and secondary schools’ leavers. The exams unit also handles the analysis of Senior Examination results for planning and research purposes. 

our contacts

This is the plateau state ministry of education official contact point



The Plateau State Ministry of Education is establish by law to "Ensure Access to Quality Education for All In Plateau Thereby Enabling Them Pursue Knowledge And Skills Acquisition For The Overall Economic Growth Of The State".

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